Remodelling hell

03 Sep 2019

It’s been a long time without updates, and I know you people have done excellent work with reporting new issues, suggestions and also posted fixes and improvements for the photoframe project.

So why this silence?

Back in March 9, 2018 our baby daughter was born, and we also went into a more complicated phase of remodelling our home to make room for the new future.

Unfortunately, this has taken way too long and also caused my productivity to go down due to lack of space to work with this project.

This situation is slowly improving and yesterday we got our desks back, so hopefully in the next week or two I get my main workstation up and running and work can continue on photoframe. Obviously the priority is bugs but there’s also an ever growing list of things to add (network drives for one, even if you guys found a neat workaround for it).

I’ll try to keep this blog updated better :-)

Published on 03 Sep 2019

blog photoframe