Slackchat and alive

01 Nov 2018

The lack of updates does not mean this is abandon… It just means personal life and work is busy and it’s hard to balance this.

The goal is to update the “how to install iceself” doc with revised info based on the changes in iceshelf. Should also be able to provide some real usage statistics for cost, performance, etc.

Another project which will join this page soon is lagerDOX. It’s what I use to store all the paperwork that the US likes to throw at us. The reason to add this prject is that I’m hoping it will be the first one to use .deb packaging. The newer version is also cleaner than the old, using python, mariadb, rest apis and nice javascript to make it fast and responsive.

You can now join the slack chat, allowing you to share experiences (and issues) as well as chatting directly with me and other users. There’s a link down on the left but you can also sign up at

Published on 01 Nov 2018

blog lagerdox slack